Frequently Asked Questions

What are your hours and where are you located?

Mama Bear Massage is located inside of Centered Spirit at 8131 Wornall Road, KCMO. Please see the online scheduler for availability. The office is closed evenings, weekends and holidays. 

Does Mama Bear Massage only serve Pregnant Women?

No, Mama Bear Massage works with all people. Prenatal Massage is my speciality and is what inspired me to open Mama Bear Massage. However since opening I have expanded my speciality into Mayan Abdominal Massage and Awareness is Healing. Broadening my skills to be able to serve all people in a more effective and therapeutic manner. 

What is the best way to schedule?

The best way to schedule is online using the “Schedule” button or you can call and leave me a voicemail at 816-509-4008 regarding which session you are needing and what your scheduling preferences are.

Why are your sessions mostly 90m long?
My sessions are comprehensive in that I am able to assist with many different kinds of ailments and challenges within the body. My specialties in pregnancy massage and Awareness is Healing: Mayan Abdominal Massage afford my a wide array of skills and modalities that I can utilize in order to help each client reach their individual goals. During each session we will go over your needs that day, check in if we have been working on a specific improvement and often times we will need a bit of time to ground after your session. I find that often times an hour is not enough time for the level of care that my services provide. Mama Bear Massage is not your typical massage therapy experience as I am a specialist and so my sessions are geared towards that level of all encompassing care. 

Do you ever do 60m sessions?
Yes. If a client is established and receiving regular sessions they may come to a point where they only need an hour at a time to fully be able to reset. I do also have a 60m Medical Massage option available for those looking for a more Swedish Massage type of experience. There is no abdominal work in those sessions. If I cannot provide the level of care you’re needing within the hour time, in order to address your concerns, we may need to still need to schedule a 90m follow up in order to reach sustainable improvement. 

Do you offer Gift Cards?

We no longer offer Gift Cards or Packages. Loved ones can call and we can add their card info to their account in order for them to pay for sessions at the time of service. This is the only option that we are currently set up for. 

How do you accept payment?

Mama Bear Massage can accept cash or credit card. I am also set up to accept FSA or HSA cards through Square.